The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, you know. Outsourcing is often typically associated with a company using an offshore manufacturer as opposed to domestic suppliers.

The logic: Offshore = cheaper labour.

However, some critical points are missed with this equation: While equipment contract manufacturers can have the necessary equipment, management and skilled staff to supply precise products that adhere to the highest quality standards offshore and domestically, a domestic company bypasses the need for additional shipment steps, safeguards against communication getting lost in translation (for non-English speaking suppliers), and prevents overall management pitfalls.

So, for companies considering to move their production to an ECM, turn that “offshore leap of faith” into a “domestic strategic transition”.

Modular Automation is an Irish equipment contract manufacturer we stand proudly next to, in providing domestic solutions for reliable, Industry 4.0 manufacturing, serving at the gateway of Europe to the East and the USA to the West.

Talk to us about your equipment contract manufacturing needs.

+353 (87) 137 7434
